Máy bộ MSI Cubi 3S i3-7100U

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Liên hệ

Model: Máy bộ MSI Cubi 3S i3-7100U
Processor: Intel Core i3-7100U (2.4GHz, 3MB Cache)
Memory: DDR4 2400MHz (2x SO-DIMM up to 32GB)
Storage: 1x M.2 SATA / PCI-e auto switch SSD
1x 2.5” SATA HDD or SSD
CD/DVD: None
Graphic: Intel HD Graphics 620
Port: 2x USB 3.1 Gen1 Type-A (left one supports super charger)
1x Mic in/ Audio jack
2x USB 3.1 Gen1 Type-A
1x HDMI (1.4) out
1x DP(1.2) out
2x RJ45
1x RJ45 to COM
1x COM port
2x USB 2.0 x2
Audio: None
AC Adapter/PSU: 65 Watt AC
Accessories​: None
Media-card reader: None
LAN: Integrated Intel Giga LAN WGI219V 10/100/1000 + Intel I211 Lan controller
Wifi: Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168 (M.2 2230)
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 5
Software: Win 10 Home
Weight: 1.36 kg (HDD SKU)
1.275 kg (SSD SKU)
Color: Black / Silver
Size: 159.6 x 110.2 x 69.5 mm
Warranty: Chính hãng 1 năm
Giao hàng: Toàn quốc. Chính sách giao hàng Nguyễn Đức

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